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Resource Library

The Resource Library allows you to locate resources that help make your community a healthier place. If you have a resource you think should be included, please submit it here.
Please note: Separate your search terms with spaces, and use quotes to search for specific text (example: "mental health"). 

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Resource Collections

Career Guidance Website

Are you interested in channeling your desire to help others into a career in Public Health, Social Work, Biology or Disease Prevention? Here are some tools to show you how.

Community Health Assessments

A Community Health Assessment is a systematic examination of the health status indicators for a given population that is used to identify key problems and assets in a community.

Environment Funding Opportunities

El Dorado County Air Quality Management District (AQMD) works to improve air quality and quality of life for El Dorado County residents

Funding Opportunities

Explore funding opportunities that can help you improve the health and well-being of your community.

Public Health Healthy Eating Recipe Blog

This is a collection of recipes that EDC Public Health employees have used (and loved).
Type Title Topics Resource Date

Community Health Assessment

A Community Health Assessment (CHA) is a systematic examination of the health status indicators for a given population that is used to identify ...

Health / County Health Rankings May 26, 2016

Links to External El Dorado County Specific Data

A collection of links to external data sources specific to El Dorado county

Health, Health / County Health Rankings August 28, 2015